by The Bee Team | Nov 9, 2024 | All things Bee
Beeswax candles have become increasingly popular due to their natural, clean-burning properties and beautiful, warm glow. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of beeswax candles and recommend some of the best brands in Australia. Benefits of Beeswax...
by The Bee Team | Oct 30, 2024 | All things Bee
Australian beekeepers play a vital role in our ecosystem and economy. These dedicated individuals work tirelessly to maintain healthy bee populations and produce high-quality honey and beeswax products. The Role of Beekeepers: Pollination: Honey bees are essential...
by The Bee Team | Oct 20, 2024 | All things Bee
Beeswax is a remarkable substance produced by honey bees to construct their hives. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the science behind beeswax and its many uses, from candles to cosmetics. How Beeswax is Made: Honey bees produce beeswax from glands on their...
by The Bee Team | Oct 11, 2024 | All things Bee
Australia is home to a thriving honey bee industry, with countless dedicated beekeepers producing high-quality honey and beeswax. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of supporting local beekeepers and how their hard work benefits our environment. Why...
by TheBeeWhisperer | Aug 15, 2020 | All things Bee
Birds and bees eat nectar and pollen and so the trees get pollinated. However it is just a little more complicated than that. I have been watching my bees taking Grevillea flower nectar to make bees honey and lorikeet parrots supping it to fuel their high speed...
by Richard Foote | Feb 23, 2020 | All things Bee
Flowering in my local area of the Illawarra are bottlebrush(Callistermon) and paperbark(Melaleuca d). They are both excellent nectar and pollen producers avidly collected by honey bees and birds. The former is a red and the latter a white pollen. Bees are attracted to...
by Richard Foote | Nov 20, 2019 | All things Bee
Observed one of my hives this morning and suddenly saw thousands of house bees emerge and take flight in lazy spirals round the hive and yard. It’s the bee’s ablution flight. This takes place at the nicest time of the day weatherwise and for ten minutes or so. Many of...
by Richard Foote | Nov 14, 2019 | All things Bee
I collected a medium size swarm a week ago which issued from a local backyard hive. It was 10 m from its home hive on the trunk of a small apple tree 1m off the ground. I shook them into a cardboard box then had a beer with the owner as they all marched...